Sanctuary Oneness Gathering  
is celebrated FIRST and Third 
 Sunday mornings...
Commencing from 10 am .

The Centre is open from 9 am, 
so you may come early for a Spiritual chat .
After the completion of the service, there is the availability of a Healing or Reading at a responsible donation.

Followed by shared morning tea. Children are welcome, 
and are encouraged to be an important member of the gathering. 
Usually, one child is chosen by Spirit, to be a part of the delivery.
It has often been heard, that the word Church, brings about fear, ego and anger

in many people! When this occurs, it is a sign of either damage sustained previously,

through a Church, ego, or Religious figure. It is time that we all heal the past blockages,

 that are laying, decaying in our lives.  A Spiritualist Centre is Different!!

It is a Sanctuary. It is a Cathedral where HEARTS meld together in Communion.

Sanctuary of  Light Workers, building energies to heal, create and expand ascension for all.

Sanctuary Spiritualist Centre, is a sanctuary to all.

 Let their be no further fear, ego or anger. 

 Here we all can come together in Communion with  The Great Divine Architect, which is the God and Goddess...Prime Creator...Source of all Communion with each other, and Communion with Spirit,

Within a Spiritualist Centre there is not an enforcement of beliefs...

Rather, an acceptance of all beliefs.

There is no promotion of a persons business, or their profession.

Your Sanctuary Spiritualist Centre is a Sanctuary.

It is a sacred environment, where everyone's serenity is respected. 



We offer all SPIRITUALIST Ceremonies such as....

Commitment Ceremonies...

for those who wish to renew

their vows to each other.

 Blessed by the Love of The Creator.

 House Blessings and Cleansing.

Spiritual Christenings.

Spiritual Naming / Christening Ceremonies.


Spiritual Adherent Dedications.

 Handfasting's... Weddings

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